One set of DLC allows players to take on the roles of Anna, Pavel, and Khan in their own levels that give a greater understanding of Artyom's story.

The biggest upside to owning the Redux version of Last Light is that players gain access to all of the game's DLC. Sneaking around the environment feels more effective than it does in 2033, and players will find themselves capable of clearing out entire rooms without being spotted by enemies. Last Light is a noticeably more complex game than its predecessor, with more of a focus on the relationships between survivors and a lot more time spent exploring the surface of Moscow.
This isn't as noticeable on the Switch as it may be with the PS4 or Xbox One, but the difference is still there. Metro: Last Light doesn't really feel different than the original version of the game, but has been given a decent graphical update. Overall, Redux is a smoother and less frustrating way to play Metro 2033. The largest issue with 2033 though is that the game still consistently throws large amounts of enemies at the player, rather than find more interesting ways to increase difficulty. The enemy AI seems more consistent as well, which makes sneaking around and taking out enemies simpler. Not only that, but the original 2033's fickle method of switching weapons has been replaced with the selection wheel of Metro Last Light.
Related: Metro Exodus Dev 4A Games Completely Embraces Next-Gen Ray TracingĪ lot of the reason 2033 feels easier is because the title has been given an update to its graphics and lighting, which allows players to better distinguish enemies in the dark. Players should note that Survival mode feels more forgiving than the original version of Metro 2033, so if players have experience with the series they may consider bumping the difficulty up. Ranger mode on the other hand provides a more fast paced Metro 2033. Survival mode will ensure that 2033 is played more strategically as players conserve ammo and watch their gas mask filters more closely. Before players even begin they are given the option of picking between the original Survival mode or play using the Last Light inspired Ranger mode. Metro 2033 (the first game in the Metro series) has been improved the most.